5 Quick & Simple Summer Cleaning Ideas

office cleaning brisbane

Summer can mean a lot of different things to different people. While some people pack their bags and travel the world for the whole season, others may find themselves spending more time at home with their children than they do the rest of the year. With the constant transition between the outdoors and your house, as well as the daytime hours filled with lots of dining, playing, and entertaining, your home can quickly become a mess.

We’ve compiled a list of 5 summer house cleaning ideas to help you stay on top of the clutter and dirt.

1. Bathroom

With so many moments from the pool or beach to the tub, it just takes a few trips for it to become filthy. Grab a sponge and wipe down your bathtub or shower until the grime builds up and cleaning becomes more of an effort (and a chore!) Swish a brush around the toilet bowl every day, and clean your mirrors with a finely woven microfiber cloth to avoid streaks and lin

2. Kitchen

It is the heart of the home! With all of the activity, this place can quickly become extremely cluttered. After each meal, give your counters a fast wipe down to clear any food crumbs or spills. Using an all-purpose cleaner, wipe down the exterior of the grill, tabletop, and countertops with a microfiber cloth or paper towel. A clean kitchen immediately makes you feel better about the dishes in the sink!t!

3. Patio/Deck

With the beautiful blue sky, bright skies, and warmer temperatures, you know it’s patio season! If you use this area often, you’ll want to clean it and keep it clean for your patio parties and BBQs. Initially, hose down the entire area; a pressure washer would be perfect! Scrub the patio area thoroughly with your cleaning solvent and a stiff brush. Allow 5-10 minutes for the surface to dry before rinsing with a hose or pressure washer. Make sure none of the cleaning solutions end up on your lawn or in your flowerbeds! Cleaning like this will ruin your grass and flowers.

4. Laundry Room

Oh, and then there are the copious quantities of laundry your washing machine will have to deal with! You’ll want to keep your washer in good working order for everything from swimsuits to multiple changes due to outdoor time. To clean your laundry machine, run vinegar through it. This will sanitize the inside and remove soap scum. Don’t forget to empty your dryer’s lint trap! Using a damp cloth or a used fabric softener sheet, remove fuzz.

5. Bedroom

You’ll want to curl up in your clean bedroom at the end of a long summer day. Remove any stray items that may be cluttering your room, such as, clothes, books, and carpets cleaning so on. If you want, light a candle that promotes healthy, deep sleep while also adding a pleasant scent to your room.

We understand that the summer months can be stressful, with clutter piling up, your to-do list growing, and parties you may be hosting. Call us and inquire about our summer specials!
BS Bond Cleaning is a professional cleaning company. We have a skilled and experienced staff that provide exit cleaning, end of lease cleaning, office cleaning, pest control, bond cleaning.